THE ENCLAVE at All Seasons Birmingham in Birmingham, Michigan


All Seasons Birmingham The Enclave Logo

Introducting a new choice in boutique 55+ living - The Enclave. Comprised of 24 masterfully designed two-bedroom floor plans, this intimate new building will be a five-story elevator building, where each unique floorplan will feature eight-foot-tall doors, hard wood vinyl flooring, spacious balconies, private terraces, full-sized energy efficient Fisher & Paykel appliances, custom kitchen and bath cabinetry and electronic door locks, lights, and temperature controls accessible via smartphone. The expansive apartments will range in size from 1,130 to 1,494 square feet.  Garages will also be available on a limited basis.

The Enclave is located at 219 Elm St, Birmingham MI 48009

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This is All Seasons Birmingham... TOTALLY CAPTIVATING.